casnu:pixra liste loi gismu

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This list was originally based on simple:Basic English picture wordlist.

You can help in several ways with this list:

  • Add another picturable gismu (you can let others find a picture for it)
  • Find a picture for a gismu (have a look on Wikimedia Commons)
  • Change or remove misleading pictures

Many gismu are hard to express in a picture. The original BE list only covers the "200 picturable words" part of the Basic English ordered wordlist. However, there are certainly many more gismu which could be added.

There are duplicate entries for some words, e.g. degji (toe/finger).

Mublin 16:55, 15 February 2008 (UTC)

Is the nudity really necessary?[stika lo krasi]

I don't mean the question rhetorically, or sarcastically. Is the aim of this page to be a definitive list, or as an aide to learning? In either case, I think that having a seperate page that is aimed more at the pedagogical sector might be fruitful. I know that I'm probably going to get flamed for being a prude, but I really could have lived without seeing some of the images on here. I'm not saying that they should be removed to pander to my interests; I'm not that arrogant. I just think that it might be offputting to neophytes to such images presented to them without warning. If this list exists for what I think it does, as a reference for beginners, then I hardly think having genitalia is necessary for that. I can't imagine those things would need come up in the sort of conversations that one generally has when learning a language (particularly in the case of lojban, which in not having a native speaker base, is probably not attracting people to learn it for the sake of prurient interest in another person). I'm not trying to condemn such things, that's not my business. However, imagine a case, where say, a teacher or professor might want to use the page during class for something related to lojban. He or she might not have even looked at the page beforehand assuming that things not appropriate for such a setting wouldn't be present. Situations like these could alienate otherwise interested people from the lojban community.

Can I use a picture showing the 2nd (3rd/4th/5th) place of a gismu?[stika lo krasi]

Generally, the first place of the gismu should be depicted. This means that all gismu are understood as observatives. If you look at the picture and say the gismu, this should be a true bridi. For example, cradi means x1 broadcasts/transmits [using radio waves] x2 via station/frequency x3 to [radio] receiver x4. The picture should therefore show a radio broadcaster, not a radio receiver (velcradi).

In cases like cradi, it may be a good idea to allow an observative based on the gismu converted with se, te, ve, or xe. For cradi, we would display a picture of a radio receiver, with the word ve cradi beneath. This would appear in section C, i.e. ordered by the gismu alone.

Even though this practice won't let the reader know what's in the first place of cradi, it is still useful for learning the word: Associating cradi with the image of a radio receiver is a useful connotation to have when learning the word. Also, many more gismu may be added to the list in this way.

Mublin 19:40, 15 February 2008 (UTC)

Various issues[stika lo krasi]

  • xatra versus se mrilu versus karda

In case you haven't seen this, clixra uses this entry for all its gismu and related images. Updating this entry updates clixra (it refreshes every half hour). Just thought I'd let you know. -- Kiris 22:45, 19 May 2008 (UTC)

loi gismu poi nitcu lo pixra[stika lo krasi]

balvi bancu bangu banro banzu bapli bartu basna basti baxso bebna benji bersa betri bilga binra birti bradi bridi broda brode brodi brodo brodu bunda cabna cacra cafne canci cando canja catni caxno cedra centi cerni certu cfipu cigla cikna cilce cimde cinri cipra cirko citri cizra ckaji ckasu ckeji ckini ckire clani claxu clira clite cliva cmaci cmavo cmene cmima cmoni cnano cnemu cnici cnino cnita cokcu condi cortu cpacu cpana cpina cradi crane ctaru cteki ctile culno cumki cumla cunmi cuntu cupra curmi curve cuxna danfu dapma darlu darno darsi daspo datni decti dejni dekpu dekto delno denmi denpa desku detri dicra dikca diklo dilcu dimna dirba dirce dizlo djedi djica djuno donri draci drata dukse dukti dunja dunku dunli dzena facki fadni famti fange fanmo fanta fanva fanza fasnu fatci fatne fatri febvi femti fendi fengu fenki fepni ferti finti flalu fliba frati fraxu frica frili frinu friti funca fuzme gadri galfi galtu ganra ganse ganzu gapci gapru gasnu gasta gerna gidva gigdo girzu gismu glare gocti gotro gradu grake grasu gubni gundi gunma gunro guska gutci gutra jabre jalge jalna jansu jarco javni jbena jbera jbini jdari jdice jdika jdima jecta jeftu jegvo jelca jenca jerna jersi jerxo jetce jetnu jgina jgira jibni jibri jicla jicmu jijnu jikca jilka jilra jimpe jimte jinme jinsa jinvi jinzi jitfa jitro jmaji jmina jmive jorne jufra jundi junri junta jursa jutsi juxre kafke kagni kajde kakne kalte kampu kandi kanji kanro kansa kantu kanxe karbi kargu karni katna kecti kelvo kenra kensa kevna kilto kinli klama klani klesi klina kliti kluza kojna korbi korcu kramu krasi krati krefu krici krinu krixa kruca kruvi kucli kufra kukte kulnu kunti kurki kuspe kusru lacri lamji lanbi larcu latmo lazni lebna lenku lerci lidne lifri lijda linto lisri liste litce litru livga livla logji lujvo lunsa mabla macnu makcu makfa manci manfo manku manri mansa mapti marce marde marji marxa masno masti megdo menli mentu midju mifra mikri milti milxe minde minli mintu mipri misno mitre mixre mlana mlatu mleca mokca molro morji mrilu mucti mukti mulno munje mupli mutce muvdu nabmi nanca nandu nanvi natfe natmi nejni nelci nenri nibli nitcu nupre nutli pacna pagbu palci panci pandi panpi parbi pemci pencu pendo penmi petso picti pilji pilka pilno pinca pindi pinka pinta pixra platu pleji plibu plita pluja pluka polje ponse porpi prali prami prane preja prenu preti prije prina pritu prosa pruce pruxi pulce punji punli purci racli rafsi ragve raktu ralci ralju ralte randa rango ranji ransu ranxi rapli rarna renvi ricfu rigni rilti rimni rinka rirci rirni ritli rivbi romge rorci rotsu ruble rufsu runme runta rupnu rutni sabji saclu sampu sance sanji sarcu sarxe saske satci savru selfu semto senpi senva sepli setca sevzi siclu sidbo sidju silka simlu simsa simxu sinma sisku sisti sitna sivni skicu skina slabu slaka slami slari sligu smadi smaji smuni snada snidu snipa snura snuti sobde sombo sorcu sorgu spaji spali spisa spofu spuda sputu sraji sraku srana srera srito sruma sruri stace staku stali stapa stati steba steci stidi stika stodi stura stuzi sucta suksa sumji sumti sutra tadji tagji talsa tamne tanru tarmi tarti taske tatpi tcaci tcena tcica tcika tcila tcima tcini temci tengu terto tigni tilju tinbe tinsa tisna titla tivni tixnu tordu torni traji trati trina trixe troci tsina tugni tumla tunba tunlo tunta turni tutra vacri vajni valsi vamji vanbi vanci vasru vasxu venfu vensa vibna vidru vifne vikmi viknu vimcu vindu vipsi virnu viska vitci vitke vitno vlile vlina vlipa voksa vraga vreji vrici vrude xabju xadba xadni xagji xajmi xaksu xalbo xalka xalni xamgu xampo xanka xanri xarnu xasne xatsi xebni xecto xedja xendo xenru xexso xlali xlura xrani xruba xruti xukmi xurdo xusra xutla zabna zalvi zanru zargu zasni zasti zdile zekri zenba zepti zetro zifre zivle zmadu zmiku zukte zungi zunle zunti zvati